Right about now Madison Parker has but two thing going through her mind right now and both of them are vying to be the first one to send thick gobs of sperm down her pretty little throat. And we haven’t even gotten past the foyer of her home!
Once the threesome makes its way back into the house it finds itself on a couch with two hungry cocks and one even hungrier bitch. Madison wastes no time getting herself into position to receive two of the largest cocks porn has to offer her. Before she knows what hit her she is impaled by a collective 16 inches of rock hard man-shaft.
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The entire movie is just shy of twenty-five minutes long. You deserve to get something for nothing as hard as you are working. Take what is yours just like these two studs are taking Madison’s sweet and tender pussy, and turning it into a side of beef. A side of succulent beef worthy of your big fat cock!