The Data You Input is Permanent
Another thing that you need to keep in mind with free dating sites that are open to the public is permanent data. A lot of the data that you put up is going to be permanent. Sure, you can request the website to delete your information once you’ve stopped using the site. That’s okay, they will honor such request. The problem is, if women have been passing around your picture for shits and giggles, there’s really not much you could do about it. You have become an internet meme. If you don’t want that to happen, don’t step up to the plate and play the game. It really is that simple.
Your preferences are more obvious than you think. There are two ways websites can track your preference. Either they ask you to report your preferences directly, or they pay attention to your behavior. I’m telling you right now, most websites really could care less about what you tell them about yourself. They’re more interested in what you actually do. Why? The things that you do say more about your character and values than the things that you say.
Keep this in mind because a lot of websites will start sending you information based on your actions. For the most part, this is welcome because maybe you’re not that self-aware. Maybe you don’t put in that much time, effort and energy truly knowing yourself. However, if you’re like most people, this is going to be really very scary. It can easily turn into a situation where you feel like you’re under a microscope.
Scammers and Spammers Abound
Have you ever noticed that when you join a free dating site, a hot woman almost immediately contacts you? That is not an accident. Unfortunately, that is also not a real woman. A lot of these websites are unwitting hosts to roving bands of digital thieves. These are people who are just going to say anything to anybody just to separate those people from their hard earned dollars.
There are all sorts of ways scams proliferate on free sex dating sites, but the most common is when somebody sends you a message, you like their profile, and then all of a sudden, they tell you that they want to hook up, but you can hook up with them by visiting a website. Sure enough, when you click the link, it goes either to a porn site, a webcam site, an online strip show, or another dating site. Do you see how ridiculous this is? You are already on a free dating site and these clowns are trying to get you to sign up for a paid site. It may seem ridiculous, it may seem stupid, but those people are making tons of money that’s why they engage in that behavior time and time again.
A Lot of "Girls" are Actually Men
Another sad situation is that a lot of the so called hot women like grrlvashti on localfuck.org could actually be men. That’s right. Don’t bend down and pick up the soap in front of these "girls." It may turn out to be a pain in the ass, literally.
It’s Hard to Tell the Real Success Rate of Online Dating
When it comes to sex dating sites, most websites talk a big game. They say that you’re going to hook up, they say you’re going to have a good time. Well, that’s their right, they’re entitled to say that. But let me tell you, saying something is very different from actually delivering on the stuff that you are promising. Most sex dating sites are very big on promises, but, as far as actual performance and delivery goes, that’s an open question because there’s really no standardized clearing house of data regarding success rates for these types of online properties.