Growing up I never thought very much about the size of my cock. One day I was in the locker room changing after football practice and one of the guys saw me naked. He made a huge deal about the package I carry around. It didn’t take long after that for word to spread. As if over night all the guys suddenly thought I was cool and wanted to hang out with me. I don’t know if they thought that being around a guy with a big cock would make theirs grow or what the deal was but I enjoyed the notoriety.
Then there were the girls. They never wanted anything to do with me before but now all the sudden they wanted my attention. It’s amazing the doors that a big dick will open for you, and legs. Girls love a big cock. Right now you can get 20 bonus sites and 41% off Freaks of Cock with this discount and watch how the ladies drool over big meat. They can’t get enough.